Thursday, April 19, 2012

Big Bang BAD BOY performance SBS Inkigayo illuminati

Everytime he says "baby, your a good girl" he pull the 666/a-ok hand gesture along with Tae.

Both hands now.

And now even Daesung.


  1. I've watched in some April and Wayne video in youtube that even GD's name have a lots of occult meaning. Don't know really, but this is dissapointing me. I'm a VIP, (not a GD fans though) but thanks for opened my eyes! Now everytime I saw their MV, it's like I'm looking for another sign. Stay vigilant!

  2. k-pop really fantastic work mate

    i was wondering if GD's drug case last year meant that he was trying to get away from this illuminati business, thus they punished him by framing a crime on him. this has happened to a lot of other artists such as DMX, Tupac and Michael Jackson.

    1. I am thinking that yes. And Daesung's car accident. Unfortunately they are back in illuminati :(

    2. micheal jackson asked his doctor to kill him because he had enough from the pain he caused to himself by doing an operation to transform into a white human that was the cause.. Anw all the singers and stars have their group of faith because they have decided to worship the money and not god and this is what they get... when you say yes to money and no to god and when you buy your soul and honor for MONEY that means you opened the door to the devil..

  3. kayaknya admin mesti jelasin maksud tiap simbolnya deh. banyak reader yg g ngerti, apalagi yg baru tau illuminati. mereka malah ngejudge jelek kan sama admin. ini sekedar saran aja sih.

  4. The latest KPOP videos are all about war.
    B.A.P.'s Warrior, and Power.
    Please check their lyrics.
    The entertainment industries are more open about their schemes than ever before.

    1. You ever thought that Korea is displaying the war against America? I doubt the Korean government want to join with America even though they may use the same symbolism - just look at the politics between Korea and America and judge for yourself.

  5. damn i'm right! looks like bigbang is the new illuminati puppet. soooo visible. you should check exo mv too. there's a lottttt a lot of satanic sign

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  8. 666-ok maybe an illuminati style (I start to NOT using this recently) but I guess Kpop artist doin' this not o purpose.. except some artist that shows more signs (saying Rah, using pyramid-one eye sign, baphomet all at once) must be investigated. But, did you know that GD wears a jacket with a peace sign that looks like a cross that broken? (pay attenyion to THIS!)

  9. Don't see how people can't see that this is a problem. I love Bigbang, but seeing all these signs of the illuminati makes me not want to even meet them at all. I don't even know if I would go to one of their concerts now.

    People are soo ignorant. They don't see the bigger picture. At least I'm glad some people see it

    1. Huge irony in your comment. Talking about people who aren't mentally deficient enough to see Illuminati symbols as ignorant.

      Here's a simple system, pray to God, and ask him for a sign to let you know he exists. Like spontaneous combustion of a shrub. If he does exist, then the Illuminati might exist. If not, in all likelihood, then they don't, logically.

      So you're good, no need to worry. God doesn't exist and these faux-lluminati don't either. Cheers.

    2. We'll see after we die. If nothing happens, you're right. If you go to hell, we're right.

    3. I'm a Christian dude. I know God exists.
      I know the Illuminati exists cuz not only are just Bigbang doing it, but many other artists around the world.

      Look up the facts ma man. There are too many signs to try and argue that they don't exist. Proof is the key, and I have found more than this website to look for the answer

  10. Interesting. Could the admin/poster of this blog please contact me?


    1. You know what, sorry for not knowing my own email LOL.

  11. can you tell me more about girls generation illuminati?

  12. I'm not a big fan of K-POP, Lady Gaga or whomever that has been labeled Illuminati by this blog. But for me talent came naturally, and their fame wasn't build overnight. They've been through lots of hardship before they're well known like now. They work really hard and it's a pain in the neck to see people accusing them 'selling their soul to be famous'. So if this blog owner and those who agree that all talented people are Illuminati, u guys can enjoy listening to Rebecca Black or Double Take. Dont go around badmouthing ppls work. Get a life! And to those muslims out there, remember we have talented singer as well like Maher Zain. Is he talented? Yes. Is he Illuminati? I guess not, but maybe u guys want to label him as well since he is talented and become famous in a short time. Remember, these anti-Illuminati also labels Yasser Arafat as Illuminati. So why dont we just go back to basic, and seeks guidance from Allah SWT. :)

  13. lol wasnt this hand-gesture trying to show eyelashes on good girl?

  14. I think nowadays people just going too far, it's too much isnt it? Wasn't their hands just make an "ok" symbol to describe "good" girl?? If you always think small things like that as illumination symbol.. Your head will be fulled by illumination.. See your background, your triangle with circle in it can be illumination pryamid one eye symbol too right? But you didnt mean it? So do they, just dont judge people easily :D thats just my opinion.. Hehe

  15. please tell me more about daesung's accident. illuminati are really that powerful?
    they could really put a man in the middle of the road at the same time daesung is arriving with his car? did the man know he was going to die? and does daesung know about this?

  16. i have only started to become a vip a few months back. and after seeing this............. maybe you guys are right about daesung n gd. i've watched a video on youtube one day when gd was revealing their plan one day to run away from all of the fame and fortune. all four of them, gd, top, taeyang and daesung made a careful plan to run away but then they were stopped by seungri. n then the drug case n the accident happened. it really made sense. like saying, "if you try to run away, you guys are gonna get it". idk if this make sense but in their new album, one of the track is "Ain't no fun". maybe gd was trynna say it aint no fun to do this anymore.

  17. Lol that's the symbol for "OK" I used to do that al the time as a kid :D So I'm Illumanit because I do the OK symbol?
    People, do not buy this bull crap. People who are trying to teach you about the Illuminati are obsessed by the Illumaniti and want you too to be obsessed! Don't be fooled by these psychopaths that think they find Illuminati in everything and everyday life of a normal Human being! I bet if you looked at my pictures, you can make false accusations about me being into Illuminati, in which I am not. I believe in God and I am a Christian. Grew up in a Christian house hold and all. Please do not be gullible and ignorant! These people feed you lies because they themselves are obsessed with the Illuminati!

  18. i do agree,
    actually im a big fans of bigbang
    and i do really know that GD is illumitati
    because in high2 lyric he put word GHETTO,
    but i respects their music, n still love bigbang

    but im an open minded ppl, and i love Allah SWT the most than those boys, so i just listen their music

    1. You know the people that believe in Illuminati mostly Christians believe that Islam is part of Illuminati.

  19. Before you start commenting about them you should know they started out as trainee. The reason gdragon is so talented is because he started since young. He train in Sm ent for 5 years then went to YG because he's into hiphop. He has to compose songs and write lyrics. He doesnt know a shit but he had to give it a shot. He started from one month one song to one week then one day that's why he's so good now. They started from nth. It wasnt an overnight thingy. And of course he's gifted that way and he worked on it to be better thats why hes famous and talented and everyone even older than him respect him.

    of course no ones perfect he started to be cocky and thinks hes everything but god teach him a lesson that's when the incident happen and make him realize the things he did. And people he love turn away from him that's his turning point. He start to be humble and respect others too. That's why monster came up. Because ppl look at him diffly and coldly that's why he say i love you baby im not a monster. Some ppl comment saying they knew he was that type of person and he's hurt when ppl think that way. Still alive that song he wrote because ppl spread rumours about him, but he came back.

    The reason why fantastic baby video concept was because the album is called ALIVE. People create rumor that they have been disband because of the few incident and kpop band usually last for only 5 years. But they came back thats why it's call alive. So they came out with the idea that they are all frozen then the ice melted and they are alive again. You can check the photo shoot. They wanted to act like they are from another time. So they all choose to be any king they want. That's why daesung is chained up he thinks king of pirate is cool. Gdragon choose King of uija because he has a lot of maids. Taeyang choose to be king of jungle because he loves animal the reason he has that throne and that metal thingy is because he tot of the whole cyborg feeling, seungri choose to be king of fighter. As artist they have to keep up with the image.

    If they were illuminti they would have won all the awards they were nominated just like lady gaga, but they sometimes lost to supur junior, so you're saying SJ is illuminati? LOL.. Gd was once called to join the american ent but he rejected because he love his country and they got mad, if you check out 'light it up' he sang 'all this motherfucker dont know how to act.' He wears what he wants because he thinks it's cool. Of course he's influence by some of the American music or artist and would think their gesture are cool so he does it. When he's influence of cuz he's music is more american style that's why theyre attracted globally. That's how they got even famous. Before you judge you should see how they train when they were even younger. They're not god. It's about practice.

  20. I don't understand why y'all have the tension to focus on that? I do believe in the devil but Allah (swt) is the greatest and most merciful and he knows when we are born and we are died. Life is too short to focus on that, the Illuminati. We aren't god, so why y'all acting like you know they sold their souls to the devil. It's the same people that believe that Islam is illuminati because Islam is the largest religion in the world behind Christianity. We Muslims, don't believe in the symbol but the sign to determine the day of judgement. I find it very ironic that y'all try to make a difference promote illuminati is bad but the truth is you are making them rich. They don't care whether you believe or not , you just enjoy they cash in the bank. Once they died, then they can face Allah(swt)

  21. Join the Illuminati cult online today and get instant sum of 1million dollars with a free home anywhere you choose to live in the world and also get 2500 dollars monthly as a salary... If you are interested please kindly fill the following information to this email below {email address removed}..

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    Tell us little about yourself...and why you want to join the illuminatti world wide, us now if want to be famous.(

  22. Did anyone else notice the sign in GDs "Who you?" Mv? There was this person shown, he was holding a phone and filming - his hand had a tattoo of an eye on it.


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